Native American Totems

Discovering the medicine and lessons learned from the spirits of animals and all living things.

Animal Totem Mouse Teaches Scrutiny

Animal Totem Mouse Teaches Scrutiny

When Mouse comes to us as a totem we find a lesson in scrutiny.  Native American Ancestors tell us that without Mouse we would have no system of knowledge.  You see Mouse knew from the very beginning that there are always more things to learn, more ways to go deeper...

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Buffalo Gives Medicine Of Prayer

Buffalo Gives Medicine Of Prayer

Buffalo has great meaning to me as a Native American Totem along with many others who follow and learn of the Spiritual lessons of the First People.  Let me tell you of the medicine we receive from this wonderful creature and share a personal story too. As a totem...

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The Teachings of Skunk

The Teachings of Skunk

Yes, little Skunk has teachings to share with us as a Native American Totem.  The medicine or lesson to be learned from this little creature is Reputation and respect.  It is a message with a great deal of power. Skunk is unlike other predatory animals in that it does...

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My Personal Power Totems

Yesterday I introduced you to the Power Totems that guide us throughout our lives. These Native American Totems choose us at birth and work with us during our lifetime.  Representing the directions of East, South, West, North, Above, Below, Within, and our left and...

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Nine Power Totems Or Spirit Guides

We have talked in earlier posts about the Native American Totems given to us when we are born.  There are specific totems that travel with us through out our lives that are associated with the Moon that we are born under.  There are also what is known as Power Totems...

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What does the Ant Totem teach us?

What does the Ant Totem teach us?

Oh surely the Ant doesn't work with lessons in Native American Totems, you say.  Yes the tiny little ant can teach us much wisdom.  It can give us many lessons but the strongest message is the one of patience.  Let us find out today about the tiny little...

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What Totem Message Does Swan Bring?

What Totem Message Does Swan Bring?

Did you know that the beautiful Swan is one of the Native American Totems? Sister Swan gives a message of Grace.  She teaches us to surrender to the grace of the rhythm of the universe and to slip away from our physical bodies to enter the Dreamtime. Swan people have...

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Is the Totem of Wolf talking to you?

Is the Totem of Wolf talking to you?

Wolf is the Teacher in Native American Totems. Brother Wolf is a pathfinder and the moon-dog of your soul.  He is the forerunner of new ideas and runs to the clan to teach and share medicine.  Wolf takes one mate for a lifetime and is as loyal as any dog. There is an...

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Can You Choose Your Native American Totems?

People often ask me about the Native American Totems and how they work. Generally when I try to explain to them by using an example of an animal totem that is working with me, they say I want that totem too.  It really doesn't work that way.  The Animal Totem picks...

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Native American Totems: Blue Heron

Native American Totems: Blue Heron

When the Sacred Waterbird, Blue Heron, comes to you in the Native American Totems tradition it gives you a lesson of self-reflection.  Heron medicine teaches us about the power of knowing ourselves so that we can discover our gifts and face our challenges.  We learn...

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Recent Comments

  1. Here in Switzerland, as this particular region is higher up, I see them basically every day circling overhead quite close…

  2. Dear Beverly Two Feathers. Thank you for writing! Yes, this all rings true to me. I have had a curious,…