White Hawk Flies In For A Visit In the not too distant past one of my friends was visited by a red-tailed hawk and she asked me to help her with understanding what the visit might mean. Actually, it is more interesting than just a hawk coming into her view. You see,...
My Family Lost A Special Member On Friday evening (April 17th), my family lost a very special man, Harry Loar. He was the loving and devoted husband to Ruth for almost 61 years. He was so many things to all of us. A special soul who touched the lives of our family in...
I wanted to talk a little today about some other ways to study your totems or to at least feel a little more connected with them. This may sound just a little on the weird side but I have found that it really does work for me in an odd way. They say that a picture is...
Are you feeling like for some reason you have been chosen to be a warrior all of a sudden? Are you being attacked for your beliefs, actions or words? I think many times in our lives we ARE chosen to be a warrior for reasons that we may not understand. This may be...
Who is Grandmother Moon? In many traditions she is believed to be one of the first 3 spirits placed by the Great Spirit to watch over the children of Earth. She helps you with your dreams and visions. You can ask her to bring the dreams to you or to help you...
Had you ever thought about this question? Is it possible for our animal totem spirits to work together to make sure that someone comes into our lives so that we can walk at least part of our journey together? I believe that they do on a more regular basis than we...
This story appears to have been featured in the Hungarian movie "Four Souls of Coyote"