The Ant Totem Teaches Patience
The tiny little Ant has some interesting lessons as a Native American Totem. Last month I talked about the Four Directions spread that I did for myself. Ant is the animal totem that is working with me to learn the lesson of the South Direction. If you recall that was...
Raccoon As A Native American Totem
One of the creature teachers that I am getting medicine from right now is Raccoon. In Native American teachings the totem of raccoon is about being a generous protector. As I became aware that this little Robin Hood of the animal kingdom was working with me in my...
Salmon Totem Wishes Michey Happy Birthday
My friend Michey is having a birthday today, so I wanted to share her Birth Totem of Salmon with her and my readers. But first...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Michey! Salmon as a Native American Totem gives us medicine concerning wisdom and inner-knowing. Sometimes fighting strong...
Bird Totems – The Cardinal
There are many bird totems in Native American beliefs. Today, I want to talk about the Cardinal and its totem meanings. My friend Joan recently blogged about some bird feeders that she was having trouble getting birds to feed at. She related a story about her...
Totem Medicine From Moose
When the mighty Moose has chosen us to teach from its totem spirit we are given the lesson of self-esteem. Native Americans see this animal totem in the North direction of the Medicine Wheel. Brother and Sister Moose join Buffalo in this place of wisdom. It is from...
Toucan Native Totem
Some might think that the Toucan would be an unusual bird to be one of the Native American Totem Animals. After all, you might say, Brother Toucan is not indigenous to North America. Remember the animal spirit that decides you need to share in it's medicine does not...
Animal Totems Wish AJ A Happy Birthday
One of the Bird Totems is flying around my head this morning telling me that a very special person has a birthday today. We know her as AJ2008 and she is always juggling something. So Happy Birthday, AJ from me and your birth totems! AJ, did you know that you were...
Spider Comes As A Totem
Spider comes to us humans as a totem in the Native American tradition. A message of weaving is shared if we pay attention. Spider weaves the webs of fate for her captives and we humans can learn from this. We can get caught up in the web of illusions in our lives and...
A Day To Reflect On Birth Totems
Today is my birthday, it is a day I take to reflect on my birth totems. The gifts from Great Spirit given to me on the day that I took my first breath. Oh what precious gifts they have been! So, firstly I humbly thank you for these teachers that you so wisely chose...
Is Eagle Your Animal Totem?
In Native American traditions the Eagle is a most sacred and revered bird. When Eagle comes to us as a totem, we are honored and humbled for his teachings. Eagle medicine is a connection to the Divine, a power of the Great Spirit. Being able to live in the realm of...
Here in Switzerland, as this particular region is higher up, I see them basically every day circling overhead quite close…
I bought my wife a necklace with navaho beads in Silverton Colorado this fall. It now has several fine line…
This story appears to have been featured in the Hungarian movie "Four Souls of Coyote"
Thank you
Dear Beverly Two Feathers. Thank you for writing! Yes, this all rings true to me. I have had a curious,…