Native American Totems

Discovering the medicine and lessons learned from the spirits of animals and all living things.

Totem Animals Jewelry

Totem Jewelry Might Assist You In Your Learning Since I started this blog back in 2009, I have talked about individual animal totems and their meanings. I have shared the medicines that they bring to us and I usually suggest that if a animal spirit is working with us...

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Raccoon Totem Medicine

Raccoon Totem Medicine

Lessons From Raccoon I was recently asked by a regular reader to revisit the Raccoon as a Native American totem and to share with her the totem medicine as she is being taught by the little bandit of the animal kingdom at the moment. I am happy to do this because I...

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The Lynx Totem

The Lynx Totem

Lynx Symbolism It is no surprise that some people with great knowledge in the ways of the animal spirits and their medicines believe that the Sphinx in Egypt is not a lion but a lynx. This stone creature does not say much, it just sits watching over the sands of...

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The Bear Totem And Me

The Bear Totem And Me

Have you ever had one of your totems kind of just sneak up on you and make their lessons known? That happened to me just a few weeks ago with the Bear totem. I had one of those "Ahhh" moments that we get from time to time. Maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention...

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Totem Of Mountain Lion

Totem Of Mountain Lion

The totem of Mountain Lion can sometimes be a hard one to work with but the benefits when you have learned the lessons are great. I should explain that depending on the area or region that you live in the Mountain Lion may be called different things. You might know it...

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Dog Totem

Dog Totem

It probably doesn't come as a great surprise to most that the main medicine from the Dog Totem is loyalty. Throughout history, Dog has been looked upon as the servant to humanity. So, let's look at what it means to have Dog Medicine or that dog may be working with you...

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The Mouse Totem

The Mouse Totem

I have written about the Mouse Totem before, but I thought I would revisit the meaning of the mouse totem again today after a discussion I had with a friend of mine last week. The main lesson that we get from the animal spirit of Mouse is scrutiny. The Ancestors...

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Bat Totem

Bat Totem

I was recently reminded of my bat totem when I visited the local zoo. I was drawn to the bat exhibit almost like a bee to the hive. I know many of you probably think that bats are just down right creepy, but actually they are a very important part of our eco-system....

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Lessons From The Totem Of Squirrel

Lessons From The Totem Of Squirrel

I have recently questioned the lessons of the totem of squirrel, as I've been almost in a warrior frame of mind with one little guy that is quite frankly driving me "nuts". The little critter is raiding my bird feeder on a regular basis even though I put a feeder out...

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Native American Horse Totem

Native American Horse Totem

It has been said that the Horse was the first animal medicine given to civilization. And if you think about it all humans owe a great deal of gratitude to the gifts and medicine that Horse as a totem and animal has given us. In Native American traditions, the Horse...

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Recent Comments

  1. Dear Beverly Two Feathers. Thank you for writing! Yes, this all rings true to me. I have had a curious,…

  2. I needed Bob cats message as he stared deeply into my soul. Our eyes locked in place. The feeling of…