I have recently questioned the lessons of the totem of squirrel, as I’ve been almost in a warrior frame of mind with one little guy that is quite frankly driving me “nuts”. The little critter is raiding my bird feeder on a regular basis even though I put a feeder out for him and his little friends with the stuff he is supposed to like to eat.

So, I decided that maybe this little squirrel is actually in my back yard for more than just the food. Maybe he is representing his animal spirit and trying to teach me some lessons. One would be patience! However, patience is not the main message of brother Squirrel.

As a Native American totem, the squirrel holds the power of gathering in its realm. That shouldn’t be surprising since we see squirrels in the wild gathering items for use at a later time. The lesson for our spiritual journey is to reserve something that we might need in the future. It could be a judgement or an opinion that needs to wait its time. It also might be something as simple as food or candles for when the lights go out during a storm. Basically, one important thing to learn from squirrel is to be like the Boy Scouts and always be prepared.

Squirrel Mug
or search for more squirrel items at
squirrel message mug

With the economic times that we are all living in, the message of being prepared for the future rings true for many of us. As with so much in nature, we should always remember to keep things in balance and to use moderation in our “gathering” of things. In other words, don’t go “nuts” about the gathering and preparing.

Squirrel sometimes also comes to us to let us know that we have gathered too much and it is time to lighten our load. That load might consist of actual things that we could get rid of but it can also be thoughts or worries, pressures and stresses that do not serve us and we need to let them go.

The totem of squirrel reminds us that the spiritual things that we gather should always be put in a safe place…the untroubled heart and mind. Our wisdom and caring should reside in that safest of all places. We then discover that our preparation for the future gives us the freedom of knowing that all is taken care of in its own time.

These lessons make sense for me at this time in my life so maybe I should be a little more forgiving of the little guy who spills the bird feed all over the ground.

Sometimes it helps to have a Squirrel calendar to help us connect with this furry little critter if he is working with us as a totem animal.

~Mitakuye Oyasin~ We are all related

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