Native American Totems

Discovering the medicine and lessons learned from the spirits of animals and all living things.

Native American Totem Opossum

Native American Totem Opossum

The main lesson or medicine of Opossum is diversion.  Let's learn together what this Native American totem teaches us. The greatest form of protection that Opossum has is to play dead. It confuses many of his predators into believing that the game has ended. It is not...

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Frog Totem Gives Message of Cleansing

Frog Totem Gives Message of Cleansing

Frog may not be the prettiest creature on the planet but as a totem brother frog has a handsome message. Frog sings the songs that bring rain and makes the dirt of earth more bearable.  Frog medicine is related to water energy. We are taught by Frog to honor our tears...

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Armadillo As Native American Totem

Armadillo As Native American Totem

Lesson about Boundaries You wouldn't think that a creature that looks so prehistoric and let's admit it, is rather homely, could give us a beautiful message. Armadillo does give us a wonderful and enlightening message when it comes to us as a totem in Native American...

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Crow: Native American Totem

Crow: Native American Totem

Crow Reminds Us Of Universal Law It is said that Crow once had a fascination with her own shadow.  She wouldn't leave her shadow alone.  Crow would scratch at it, look at it, and peck at it until one day her shadow awakened and came to life.  Crow's shadow ate her and...

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Badger Totem Medicine

Badger Totem Medicine

Lesson From Badger Is: Aggressiveness The Badger in nature is looked upon as a vicious creature and one that will attack with powerful aggression.  One finds that a badger is quick to anger and even quicker to pounce.  Aggressiveness and the willingness to fight for...

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Dragonfly Medicine

Dragonfly Medicine

Illusion is the lesson of Dragonfly The colors in Dragonfly's wings remind us of colors not found in our everyday life experience. The shifting of color, energy, form, and movement of dragonfly explodes into the mind of the observer.  It brings vague memories of a...

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Beginning Medicine from Animal Totems

Beginning Medicine from Animal Totems

We have discussed the Animal Totems of one's birth and the Elemental Clans that we each belong;  determined by the Moon we were born under. The last few posts were about the Spirit Keepers of the Four Winds. It is time to start discussing specific animals and the...

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Mudjekeewis Spirit Keeper of the West Winds

Mudjekeewis (Grizzly Bear) is the Spirit Keeper of the West and is also Chief Council of all Spirit Keepers and Animal Totems. His power is strength and introspection due to the West being the season of Autumn. West wind represents a time of strength gained from...

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Shawnodese Spiritkeeper of the South Winds

The power of Shawnodese (Coyote)  is trust and growth. Summer is the season of Shawnodese. It is  a time of rapid growth, maturing, and testing. The animal totem of Shawnodese is Coyote with the medicine of Trickster. Some believe that the South Winds animal totem is...

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Wabun Spirit Keeper of the East Wind

The Spirit Keeper of the East Wind is Wabun or Eagle.  Wabun shows us power through illumination and wisdom. The season of the East Wind is Spring. The time of awakening from winter's rest, a time of vitality and purity of energy. The animal totem of Wabun is Eagle...

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Recent Comments

  1. Here in Switzerland, as this particular region is higher up, I see them basically every day circling overhead quite close…

  2. Dear Beverly Two Feathers. Thank you for writing! Yes, this all rings true to me. I have had a curious,…