Buffalo has great meaning to me as a Native American Totem along with many others who follow and learn of the Spiritual lessons of the First People. Let me tell you of the medicine we receive from this wonderful creature and share a personal story too. As a totem...
We will learn some lessons of the Medicine Bundle as we walk the Native American Sacred Path. An actual bundle contains a collection of items that come to us in a variety of ways. They will represent our Power Totems and other items that symbolize particular...
Yesterday I introduced you to the Power Totems that guide us throughout our lives. These Native American Totems choose us at birth and work with us during our lifetime. Representing the directions of East, South, West, North, Above, Below, Within, and our left and...
We have talked in earlier posts about the Native American Totems given to us when we are born. There are specific totems that travel with us through out our lives that are associated with the Moon that we are born under. There are also what is known as Power Totems...
The plant totem, yarrow, teaches us about cleansing and strengthening when it acts as one of our Native American Totems. It is the birth totem associated with the Corn Planting Moon which falls between May 21 through June 20. Although it may work with you at any time...
Here in Switzerland, as this particular region is higher up, I see them basically every day circling overhead quite close…