The medicine that we learn from Jaguar as a totem is of integrity and impeccability. The spirit of this sacred cat eats away at the unclean aspects of human behavior. Brother Jaguar teaches us the punishments of our inappropriate behavior toward our fellow humans and...
I would venture to say that not many people would consider Native American Fry Bread as a totem but I would disagree slightly. A totem gives medicine or teachings in our lives and Fry Bread, to me, does have a lesson that we can learn from. Many non-natives consider...
To continue with the cards of the Four Directions Spread that I first posted about on last Monday, it is time for me to share about the third card in the reading. This card represents the West direction and shows me how to find the inward answer that introspection...
The other day I posted about working with my own journey on my Sacred Path and a card spread that I did with my Sacred Path Cards to determine why I was feeling out of sinc and blocked with my writing. I promised that I would explain the results of the Four Direction...
Lately, I’ve been a little remiss with concentrating on my own Sacred Path and the Medicine that I can receive from the teachings of our Ancestors. So much so that I found that I seemed blocked in writing posts for this blog about Native American Totems. I read...
Hi I'm very interested to see an Otter plant a fern , I have a fern and I do love…