The Sparrow Totem
I had not really given this much thought in the past but the Sparrow must have been one of my mother's power totems. I was reminded of her attraction to this bird of somewhat lowly status in today's society a couple of weeks ago by an event that I will share with you...
Bee Totem
I had not really considered that there was a bee totem until just a few days ago. I'm not sure why it occurred to me to even look it up. Well, that is not entirely true because I was meditating on a frame of mind that I have been in when a bee caught my attention and...
Duck Totem
If you have landed on this page after having done a search, you might be feeling a connection with the duck totem. As I write this post today the mating season and raising of young is in full swing for the birds and fowl of my area of the planet. I have been observing...
Totem Of The Wolf
We are going to look at the totem of wolf today but in a more specific manner than I normally do. Last week, one of my readers stated that she wished that she could find out what her birth totem was. So, today we are going to look at the animal spirit that has been...
Beaver Totem
Today marks 61 years since I came into this life journey. Being born on April 22nd gives me the birth totem of the beaver. In the animal world beaver is the builder and the doer of things. Being strong in both water and earth energy there is a strong sense of family...
Bird Totem Of Wren
As I reflected about which totem to write about this week, the thoughts of the bird totem of wren came to my mind. Perhaps it is because I am hungry for Spring to arrive and the wren totem has its cycle of power in the season of Spring. It may also be because there...
Snake Totem
I thought we might talk about the Snake totem since the Chinese New Year has just begun and this is the year of the snake. People with actual Snake medicine are very rare, that doesn't mean that the spirit of snake does not work with people. It just means that people...
Spirit Animal Totem Of Grouse
When the spirit animal of Grouse begins to work with you as a totem, you will be learning lessons that entail understanding and connecting with the Sacred Spiral. At one time this bird that is sometimes referred to as a Prairie Chicken had abundant flocks in North...
Turkey Totem
Since brother Turkey played a part in my receiving my Spiritual Name, I thought that today it would be appropriate to talk about the turkey totem and what medicines it gives us. Because it is also November, as I write this, the topic of this animal spirit seems...
Fox Totem
Animal Totem Meaning Of The Fox Have you been wondering about the meaning of the fox totem? The medicine of fox is quite interesting and deals with the art of camouflage, oneness, and protection of the family unit. So, let's delve into those lessons today as I have...
I needed Bob cats message as he stared deeply into my soul. Our eyes locked in place. The feeling of…
It's been 8 years since my "hawk incident" where a crazy dream began days upon days of Hawks everywhere. And…
Beverly - I have read all of the Cork O'Connor books and Henry is by far my favorite character. His…
I came across this post whilst searching for the spiritual meaning of the Red Kite, since every single time I…
Dragonflies are attracted to water so finding one fluttering directly in front of my face on the tarmac of an…