Native American Totems

Discovering the medicine and lessons learned from the spirits of animals and all living things.

Earthworm Totem Crawls To Teach

Earthworm Totem Crawls To Teach

Earthworm Totem A significant lesson from a lowly creature makes one stop to think about how productive you might be. Sometimes the animal spirits come to me in such odd ways. Now, I am going to be honest and tell you that I never considered until a couple of days ago...

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What lessons are learned from the bull totem?

What lessons are learned from the bull totem?

Visits From The Bull And What They Might Mean Have you suddenly noticed that everywhere you look you see a bull? Are you dreaming about bulls? Perhaps this animal spirit is trying to tell you something. That is often how it works. So, let's look at some of the lessons...

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Lessons From The Dove Totem

Lessons From The Dove Totem

I recently had a reader ask about the dove totem and what it might mean so I have meditated on this bird, studied some of my resources and am now ready to share the lessons we may receive from the animal spirit of dove. Lore And Legend Surround The Dove Totem I think...

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Bobcat Totem

Bobcat Totem

If the bobcat totem has arrived in your life it has come to teach you that there is true power and strength in silence. There will be people who will immediately understand that statement because bobcat has touched their inner being at some point in their lives. There...

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Woodpecker As An Animal Spirit Guide

Woodpecker As An Animal Spirit Guide

Perhaps you had never considered that a visit from a woodpecker might be a message from an animal spirit wishing to guide you into some wisdom. Then again, if you have landed on this page you must have had some sort of inkling because you searched to see what the...

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Ram Totem – What it tells us

Ram Totem – What it tells us

I thought perhaps this would be a good time to talk about the Ram totem since we are about to enter into the Year of the Ram according to Chinese tradition. 2015 will be the year of the Ram, sheep or goat depending on which interpretation you want to use. We are also...

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What Do We Learn From The Coyote Totem?

What Do We Learn From The Coyote Totem?

Careful, You Are About To Be Tricked Into Some Knowledge Are you feeling like Coyote is trying to tell you something? Well, he probably is but it may not be in a way that you will appreciate as his message will come in the form of a trick. He is the ultimate in pranks...

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What Is Your Birth Totem?

What Is Your Birth Totem?

Discover Your Birth Animal Totem Most people know the sign of the Zodiac that they were born under. That is your Sun sign. Do you know the animal totem or birth totem associated with your birth or your Moon Sign? There are a set of native totem animals for each of the...

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Is The Kestrel Totem Working With You?

Is The Kestrel Totem Working With You?

Meanings of the Kestrel Totem I have a dear friend who obviously has the kestrel totem in her life right now and I thought it might be a good idea to discuss the meaning of this animal spirit here on my blog so that others would benefit from the knowledge from this...

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Living With Owl As Your Birth Totem

Living With Owl As Your Birth Totem

If your birthday falls between November 22nd and December 22nd then your moon sign is the Owl. This wise winged brother came to mentor you from the day you were born and will council you until your journey on earth ends. When you are ruled by the Owl totem you are a...

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