by Beverly Two Feathers | Sacred Path Medicine |
Lately, I’ve been a little remiss with concentrating on my own Sacred Path and the Medicine that I can receive from the teachings of our Ancestors. So much so that I found that I seemed blocked in writing posts for this blog about Native American Totems. I read... by Beverly Two Feathers | Sacred Path Medicine |
We will learn some lessons of the Medicine Bundle as we walk the Native American Sacred Path. An actual bundle contains a collection of items that come to us in a variety of ways. They will represent our Power Totems and other items that symbolize particular... by Beverly Two Feathers | Sacred Path Medicine |
Do you have to be able to prove that you are from a specific Tribal lineage to embrace the Native American teachings? I believe that you do not. I believe that what is important is in your heart and what you know to be true with your soul. Several posts back, we... by Beverly Two Feathers | Sacred Path Medicine |
I would like to talk to you today about the Cradleboard and the message and teachings it gives you in your Native American Totems while walking on the Sacred Path. The Cradleboard of your Sacred Path is telling you that the papoose you are carrying is your future. In... by Beverly Two Feathers | Sacred Path Medicine |
Yesterday I introduced the tradition of the Talking Stick and promised to continue today. I explained the significance that the type of wood that the stick is made of can be. A real Talking Stick would also be decorated and the color of beads or paint would have...
I needed Bob cats message as he stared deeply into my soul. Our eyes locked in place. The feeling of…