Native American Totems

Discovering the medicine and lessons learned from the spirits of animals and all living things.

Waboose Spirit Keeper of the North Wind

Waboose  is the Spirit Keeper of the North Wind.  Renewal and purity is the Power of Waboose.  The North Wind represents new life enclosed in death or new growth protected in rest.  The Season of Waboose and the North Wind  is Winter. That season can be about the time...

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Totems of the Four Winds

The Four Winds or Directions have a spirit and power lessons for us to learn from.  Each Wind or Direction is associated with a season or a changing in the rhythms and tides of Mother Earth.  There is  an animal totem and a color that represents  each of the...

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The Thunderbird Clan

The Thunderbird Clan

The Thunderbird Clan is sometimes called The Hawk Clan. The element is Fire.  The Medicine of Hawk is Messenger. Thunderbird/Hawk Clan people are doers.  They are often leaders and they are usually in the spotlight expressing all their feelings. They will be...

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The Butterfly Clan

The Butterfly Clan

The Butterfly Clan belongs to he element of Air. The Medicine of Butterfly is Transformation. Butterfly Clan people are always active physically, mentally, and emotionally.  They have new ideas and unexpected ways of doing things. Butterfly people are always changing...

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The Frog Clan

The Frog Clan

The Frog Clan belongs to the element of Water. The Medicine of Frog is "Cleansing." People of the Frog Clan have deep and easily flowing feelings which allow them to bring fresh new feelings into any given project flushing away stalemates or obstacles. Water is an...

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The Turtle Clan

The Turtle Clan

The Element of the Turtle Clan is Earth.  The Medicine of Turtle is "Mother Earth."  The people of this clan tend to be brave, loyal, and  stubborn.  They will also be methodical and practical. Turtle people have determination but they take things one step at a time....

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Influence of the Elements

Influence of the Elements

If you noticed in the posts about the Birth Totems, there is always mention of an element and an elemental clan associated with each Moon Sign.  The Elements of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire are essential to all life.  Each of us is born into an Elemental Clan.  It...

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Elk Native American Birth Totem

Elk Native American Birth Totem

Elk is the animal totem for births happening during the Long Snows Moon.  The last moon of Mudjekeewis (Grizzly Bear) and the final moon of the year crosses Father Sky from November 22 to December 21.  Obsidian is the mineral totem and the black spruce is the plant...

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Native American Totem At Birth – Snake

Native American Totem At Birth – Snake

The animal totem Snake belongs to the Freeze Up Moon.  It is the moon that glides across Father Sky between October 24 and November 21.  It is the middle moon of Mudjekeewis (Grizzly Bear) the Spirit Keeper of the West.  The mineral totems are copper and malachite for...

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Raven As Your Native American Birth Totem

Raven As Your Native American Birth Totem

The Ducks Fly Moon crosses Father Sky during September 23 to October 23 of any given year.  It  is the first moon of Mudjekeewis (Grizzly Bear) who is  the Spirit Keeper of the West.   The mineral totem for this moon is jasper, most particularly the bloodstone...

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Recent Comments

  1. Here in Switzerland, as this particular region is higher up, I see them basically every day circling overhead quite close…

  2. Dear Beverly Two Feathers. Thank you for writing! Yes, this all rings true to me. I have had a curious,…