The Clan Mother who teaches us during the May Moon is Listening Woman. One of the The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers who came to teach the humans her sacred medicine, she is the Mother of the Stillness and Inner Knowing. Listening Woman is the Guardian of...
The fourth moon cycle of the year or the April Moon is looked over by Looks Far Woman. One of the original Thirteen Clan Mothers gives us the sacred totem or medicine of knowing how to See The Truth around us. Looks Far Woman was given the gifts of being the Seer or...
During the third moon of the year or in March we learn from the teachings of Weighs The Truth, one of The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers. The Mother is the Keeper of Equality and the Guardian of Justice. Weighs the Truth is the Fair Judge of the Divine Law and the...
Let us talk today of the Sacred Medicine Wheel of Feminine Wisdom. The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers who came to earth in the human form to teach us balance in our lives as we grow in womens spirituality gave us this special medicine wheel. Today I will give you the...
We receive the message of Intent when Smoke Signals enter our Sacred Path lessons. The Red Race has understood and used unspoken languages for many centuries. The People are taught to read the signs in the faces of the Cloud People; the changes in the weather,; the...
To continue with the cards that came to me in the Four Directions Spread of my Sacred Path card reading, we come to the last card. The card for the North Direction. This card expresses the wisdom I will gain if I follow a true course and apply the knowledge of the...
Here in Switzerland, as this particular region is higher up, I see them basically every day circling overhead quite close…