by Beverly Two Feathers | Sacred Path Medicine |
Since this is a month of the “blue moon” (which means that in the month of August 2012 there will be two full moons), I thought it might be appropriate to look at the lessons of the Moon Lodge. The main medicine that we get from the teachings of the Moon... by Beverly Two Feathers | Sacred Path Medicine |
In our journey on this Earth we have four basic Rites of Passage: birth, childhood, adulthood, and passing to the Spirit World. It is that last rite that I wish to honor today and to say “Goodbye” to a man that I first came to know as a customer when I... by Beverly Two Feathers | Sacred Path Medicine |
Back several years ago when I read about the lessons of the Stone People for the first time, it was like a light bulb came on in my head. You know, one of those “Ahhhh” moments we get every once in a while during our life journey. At that time it became... by Beverly Two Feathers | Sacred Path Medicine |
In our journey here on Mother Earth we get medicine from many things. Today I want to speak to you about the drum medicine. As I sat down to write this week’s post, I will admit I struggled a short while as to what to write about. So, I did what I often do when... by Beverly Two Feathers | Sacred Path Medicine |
The Native American face paint and body paint is so often presented in the wrong light. Many people often think of the painted face as being war paint. Although some Native traditions used warpaint it was more to frighten the enemy and to add to the Warrior’s... by Beverly Two Feathers | Sacred Path Medicine |
During the First Moon Cycle of the lunar year we learn from Talks With Relations. She shares her wisdom and teaches us to “Learn The Truth” while we walk our sacred path. This Grandmother who is one of the Original 13 Clan Mothers is also known as the...
Here in Switzerland, as this particular region is higher up, I see them basically every day circling overhead quite close…