As I reflected about which totem to write about this week, the thoughts of the bird totem of wren came to my mind. Perhaps it is because I am hungry for Spring to arrive and the wren totem has its cycle of power in the season of Spring. It may also be because there...
I thought we might talk about the Snake totem since the Chinese New Year has just begun and this is the year of the snake. People with actual Snake medicine are very rare, that doesn’t mean that the spirit of snake does not work with people. It just means that...
When the spirit animal of Grouse begins to work with you as a totem, you will be learning lessons that entail understanding and connecting with the Sacred Spiral. At one time this bird that is sometimes referred to as a Prairie Chicken had abundant flocks in North...
I honestly can not think of a time in my life that I did not know about my own sacred space. Even before I was taught the lesson, my inner self understood the concept. Before I knew it by the name, I knew it. Our Sacred Space is within us and around us and we define...
We are rapidly coming to the date of December 21, 2012 when some believe that the Mayans predicted a Doomsday episode where the world would end. There is new evidence that explains better what that date meant. According to a new find a Mayan King expanded his reign...
This story appears to have been featured in the Hungarian movie "Four Souls of Coyote"