One of the creature teachers that I am getting medicine from right now is Raccoon. In Native American teachings the totem of raccoon is about being a generous protector. As I became aware that this little Robin Hood of the animal kingdom was working with me in my...
To continue with the cards that came to me in the Four Directions Spread of my Sacred Path card reading, we come to the last card. The card for the North Direction. This card expresses the wisdom I will gain if I follow a true course and apply the knowledge of the...
To continue with the cards of the Four Directions Spread that I first posted about on last Monday, it is time for me to share about the third card in the reading. This card represents the West direction and shows me how to find the inward answer that introspection...
As I continue to explain the card spread of the Four Directions of my Sacred Path, I can now tell you about Taking the Shawl. If you read my post on Monday, you know that I was struggling with a writer’s block and somehow I instinctively knew that it had...
The other day I posted about working with my own journey on my Sacred Path and a card spread that I did with my Sacred Path Cards to determine why I was feeling out of sinc and blocked with my writing. I promised that I would explain the results of the Four Direction...
I needed Bob cats message as he stared deeply into my soul. Our eyes locked in place. The feeling of…