It has been said that the Horse was the first animal medicine given to civilization. And if you think about it all humans owe a great deal of gratitude to the gifts and medicine that Horse as a totem and animal has given us. In Native American traditions, the Horse...
When a creature teacher is working with us to give us totem medicine we are often directed to many different forms of that Animal Spirit. One way that Eagle may try to get your attention is in Eagle Art. I mentioned in my last post that I have been watching the...
The Native American face paint and body paint is so often presented in the wrong light. Many people often think of the painted face as being war paint. Although some Native traditions used warpaint it was more to frighten the enemy and to add to the Warrior’s...
The totem or medicine of the Black Panther reminds us that darkness is the place for both seeking and finding answers. It is a place to accept healing. The darkness is a place for us to access the hidden light of truth. Through our dreams, Sister Panther teaches us to...
Along with the medicine and lessons that we receive from our Native American Totems from the animal, mineral, and plant kingdoms; we can also be blessed by the totems or lessons from our ancestors or the people who came before us. Chief Seattle is one of those...
Here in Switzerland, as this particular region is higher up, I see them basically every day circling overhead quite close…