by Beverly Two Feathers | Sacred Path Medicine |
The moon of September calls upon Setting Sun Woman to teach us to “Live The Truth”. The ninth of the The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers, Setting Sun Woman is the Keeper of Tomorrow’s Dreams and Goals. How appropriate for me to reflect on as that new... by Beverly Two Feathers | Sacred Path Medicine |
As I sat here this morning working on what I would write to you about today, my mind reflected on Seven Generations. I found myself thinking about the grandchild that is about to enter this world. I am anxiously awaiting that phone call telling me it is time to start... by Beverly Two Feathers | Sacred Path Medicine |
During the month of August our teachings of feminine wisdom come from “She Who Heals” who is the Intuitive Healer. We learn to Serve The Truth from this Original Clan Mother. The 8th Clan Mother is the Keeper of the Healing Arts along with being the Singer... by Beverly Two Feathers | Sacred Path Medicine |
The July Moon gives strength to the teachings of “Loves All Things”. She is the 7th of the Original Clan Mothers. She is the Mother of Unconditional Love and All Acts of Pleasure. This Mother is the Keeper of Sexual Wisdom and Self-Respect. She exemplifies... by Beverly Two Feathers | Sacred Path Medicine |
If you have read any of my posts, you might have noticed that I sign each one with “Mitakuye Oyasin” which means we are all related. For me this is the essence of what I believe, that we are all related and we are all connected. I am your sister and I can... by Beverly Two Feathers | Sacred Path Medicine |
The Mother who teaches us the spirituality of women the best during the sixth moon cycle of the year is Storyteller. One of The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers, she is the Guardian of the Medicine Stories. This Mother is The Keeper of Heyokah Medicine and Humor....
Here in Switzerland, as this particular region is higher up, I see them basically every day circling overhead quite close…