A Lesson About Unity and Wholeness Achieved In the Navajo and Hopi traditions the Swirling or Whirling Rainbow Woman brings the rains that nurture the Three Sisters (Corn, Squash, and Beans). The Whirling Rainbow Woman comes from all Four Directions and curves around...
Crow Reminds Us Of Universal Law It is said that Crow once had a fascination with her own shadow. She wouldn’t leave her shadow alone. Crow would scratch at it, look at it, and peck at it until one day her shadow awakened and came to life. Crow’s shadow...
Hour of Power a Ritual of Joy Native American Sacred Path Lesson We humans all have our own internal timing. We see it in ourselves and others without even thinking about it. We know people who are quick to accomplish a daily task while others we know are more...
Lesson From Badger Is: Aggressiveness The Badger in nature is looked upon as a vicious creature and one that will attack with powerful aggression. One finds that a badger is quick to anger and even quicker to pounce. Aggressiveness and the willingness to fight for...
The birch tree as a totem is associated with the Earth Renewal Moon which falls between December 22nd and January 19th. One of the most ancient and abundant of trees the birch tree was used for many things by Native American Peoples. The bark was used for writing or...
Here in Switzerland, as this particular region is higher up, I see them basically every day circling overhead quite close…