A tale from the Five Tribes who comprised the Iroquois Nation: It is said that long ago the Everything Maker who we call Raweno was busy creating the various animals. As he worked on Rabbit, the creature said to Raweno; ” I want nice long legs and long ears...
I would venture to say that not many people would consider Native American Fry Bread as a totem but I would disagree slightly. A totem gives medicine or teachings in our lives and Fry Bread, to me, does have a lesson that we can learn from. Many non-natives consider...
The tiny little Ant has some interesting lessons as a Native American Totem. Last month I talked about the Four Directions spread that I did for myself. Ant is the animal totem that is working with me to learn the lesson of the South Direction. If you recall that was...
One of the creature teachers that I am getting medicine from right now is Raccoon. In Native American teachings the totem of raccoon is about being a generous protector. As I became aware that this little Robin Hood of the animal kingdom was working with me in my...
I am writing today with a plea for help for a cause that I think is most important, Jumping Eagle Safe House needs our help. Most specifically the children who are living at the safe house and Donna and Billy Jumping Eagle who provide the home for children to live in...
Here in Switzerland, as this particular region is higher up, I see them basically every day circling overhead quite close…