During the third moon of the year or in March we learn from the teachings of Weighs The Truth, one of The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers. The Mother is the Keeper of Equality and the Guardian of Justice. Weighs the Truth is the Fair Judge of the Divine Law and the...
Wolf as a Native American totem is known as the Teacher. Brother wolf is a pathfinder who howls, sings, and teaches us how to “know”. He can come to you as a birth totem if you are born during the moon that falls between February 19th through March 20th....
Let us talk today of the Sacred Medicine Wheel of Feminine Wisdom. The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers who came to earth in the human form to teach us balance in our lives as we grow in womens spirituality gave us this special medicine wheel. Today I will give you the...
Last week on January 24, 2011 the world lost a good man. Most people knew him as Chief White Eagle but his real name was Basil F. Heath. Born on the Iroquois Indian Grand River Reservation in Canada on March 18, 1917, Heath eventually settled in the United States. His...
As I write this post we are about mid-way in the time that the Spirit Keeper Waboose is strong in the Medicine Wheel of life. We are in the time of the North Wind a time of ending and beginning. Waboose (White Buffalo) watches over the spirits of those born under the...
Here in Switzerland, as this particular region is higher up, I see them basically every day circling overhead quite close…