Native American peoples believe strongly in the medicine that we get from the animal spirits. The totem of an animal teaches us lessons about life that we need to learn. The animal spirit of Elk is one of strength, nobility, pride, survival, and stamina. The Elk totem...
One of the great Chiefs of the Shawnee Indians was Cornstalk, pictured at the left. Chief Cornstalk was described as a handsome man with a charismatic personality. He was a great warrior, extremely proficient orator, brilliant organizer, and was admired by both his...
I felt sad, disconnected from the life around me. One day, I was especially upset. I was home alone, and my frustration and impatience suddenly became too much to bear. I had put so much time and energy into healing myself and I still wasn’t cured, not even close. I...
Are you looking for the Deer Totem meaning? Are you wondering what medicine or lesson can be given to you by the animal spirit of Deer? Let me share some of my own knowledge on this subject with you in the next few paragraphs to perhaps shed some light for you. In the...
Had you ever thought about this question? Is it possible for our animal totem spirits to work together to make sure that someone comes into our lives so that we can walk at least part of our journey together? I believe that they do on a more regular basis than we...
This story appears to have been featured in the Hungarian movie "Four Souls of Coyote"