Spider Woman is among the most important and honored Deities of the Dine (Navajo) people. She played an integral part in preserving the lives of the Dine. Spider Woman chose the top of Spider Rock for her home. She taught the Dine (Navajo) ancestors of long ago...
You might think that my reviewing the book The Meadow on my blog about Native American Totems might be misplaced and that putting it in the category of Native Americans of Today is incorrect, but bare with me for a few minutes and I think that it will make sense. No,...
Today is my birthday, it is a day I take to reflect on my birth totems. The gifts from Great Spirit given to me on the day that I took my first breath. Oh what precious gifts they have been! So, firstly I humbly thank you for these teachers that you so wisely chose...
In Native American traditions the Eagle is a most sacred and revered bird. When Eagle comes to us as a totem, we are honored and humbled for his teachings. Eagle medicine is a connection to the Divine, a power of the Great Spirit. Being able to live in the realm of...
In my last post we discussed the legend of White Buffalo Calf Woman. We discussed briefly the story of this Native American holy woman and how she came to earth to teach the Lakota Sioux their Seven Sacred Rituals and left them the holiest of all worship symbols...
Here in Switzerland, as this particular region is higher up, I see them basically every day circling overhead quite close…