by Beverly Two Feathers | Sacred Path Medicine |
Today we will talk about the totems of the Standing People, the trees. These Chiefs of the Plant Kingdom are our Sisters and our Brothers who continue to provide oxygen to Earth’s Children. They provide shelter from their trunks and branches for the winged... by Beverly Two Feathers | Sacred Path Medicine |
The November Moon has Walks Tall Woman as the Original Clan Mother. She is the Guardian of Leadership and the Keeper of New Paths. This Clan Mother teaches us how to lead by example instead of demanding that others allows follow the leader. We learn that in order to... by Beverly Two Feathers | Tribal History and Lore |
Choctaw tradition tells us that when People first came up out of the ground we were sheathed in cocoons. Our eyes were closed and our limbs were folded tightly to our bodies. It is said that this was true of all People; the Birds, the Animals, the Insects, and the... by Beverly Two Feathers | Native American Crafts |
Sometimes when I am contemplating the medicines to be learned by my own Native American Totems, I will work on a craft that will help me reflect on what I am supposed to learn. Recently, the craft of choice was crochet. I really had a difficult time finding a crochet... by Beverly Two Feathers | Sacred Path Medicine |
The July Moon gives strength to the teachings of “Loves All Things”. She is the 7th of the Original Clan Mothers. She is the Mother of Unconditional Love and All Acts of Pleasure. This Mother is the Keeper of Sexual Wisdom and Self-Respect. She exemplifies...
Here in Switzerland, as this particular region is higher up, I see them basically every day circling overhead quite close…