Sometimes when I am contemplating the medicines to be learned by my own Native American Totems, I will work on a craft that will help me reflect on what I am supposed to learn. Recently, the craft of choice was crochet. I really had a difficult time finding a crochet...
Let us talk today of the Sacred Medicine Wheel of Feminine Wisdom. The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers who came to earth in the human form to teach us balance in our lives as we grow in womens spirituality gave us this special medicine wheel. Today I will give you the...
The Four Winds or Directions have a spirit and power lessons for us to learn from. Each Wind or Direction is associated with a season or a changing in the rhythms and tides of Mother Earth. There is an animal totem and a color that represents each of the...
This story appears to have been featured in the Hungarian movie "Four Souls of Coyote"