Gray Bird was a young boy who belonged to one of the Native American tribes who lived their lives on the great plains of what would later become the United States. His people would live at the edge of a forest during the winter at a spot that was picked by their...
Spider Woman is among the most important and honored Deities of the Dine (Navajo) people. She played an integral part in preserving the lives of the Dine. Spider Woman chose the top of Spider Rock for her home. She taught the Dine (Navajo) ancestors of long ago...
In my last post we discussed the legend of White Buffalo Calf Woman. We discussed briefly the story of this Native American holy woman and how she came to earth to teach the Lakota Sioux their Seven Sacred Rituals and left them the holiest of all worship symbols...
White Buffalo Calf Woman, to many, is a sacred woman. Some might call her a prophet or a messiah. She is a central figure in the Lakota religion or tradition. White Buffalo Calf Woman brought the extended Lakota nation of the Teton Sioux their “Seven Sacred...
We can teach children and should teach our children about Native American Totems along with sharing tribal stories and lore with them. Back in December of 2009, we talked about Raven as one of the birth totems. We learned that Raven is considered to be a balance...
As we are learning on our path of understanding there is always a story related to an animal if it becomes a part of Native American Totems. There was a time on Mother Earth when the birds were still like people. They could hold council and talk to each other. ...
I needed Bob cats message as he stared deeply into my soul. Our eyes locked in place. The feeling of…