I have been sitting for the last few hours watching in wonder the activity surrounding a pine tree in my backyard. It does not surprise me that it is known as the peacemaker of the Standing People. It is a safe haven for many of the birds who visit my backyard...
We do not find much in the way of explaining garden totems when looking at possible messages and medicines derived from plants that we would grow in a garden. That seems odd because there are several plants of nature that carry symbolism and have specific lessons to...
The corn plant and the luscious ears that grow from it provide us with some really great tasting food. Whether we eat it straight from the cob or the kernels removed this plant has provided food for humans for something like 7,000 years. Native Americans have valued...
Often we think of the rose as the flower of love but there is also a plant totem of rose. Did you know that? The main lesson or totem of the rose is one of empowerment. Finding a balance between love and power is key to learning the lessons of rose. Our ancestors knew...
The Quaking Aspen tree has totem medicine or lessons and gifts that it can give us. This medicine can come to you on a daily or regular basis or it can also be a part of your birth totems in the Native American tradition. Quaking Aspens get their name from the...
Had you thought of the Peony as a possible totem in your life? Remember that a Native American totem can come in the form of an animal, a mineral, or a plant. We sometimes forget about the lessons or medicine that we can learn from our friends the plants of Mother...
Here in Switzerland, as this particular region is higher up, I see them basically every day circling overhead quite close…