The totem of Mountain Lion can sometimes be a hard one to work with but the benefits when you have learned the lessons are great. I should explain that depending on the area or region that you live in the Mountain Lion may be called different things. You might know it...
It probably doesn’t come as a great surprise to most that the main medicine from the Dog Totem is loyalty. Throughout history, Dog has been looked upon as the servant to humanity. So, let’s look at what it means to have Dog Medicine or that dog may be...
Since this is a month of the “blue moon” (which means that in the month of August 2012 there will be two full moons), I thought it might be appropriate to look at the lessons of the Moon Lodge. The main medicine that we get from the teachings of the Moon...
The corn plant and the luscious ears that grow from it provide us with some really great tasting food. Whether we eat it straight from the cob or the kernels removed this plant has provided food for humans for something like 7,000 years. Native Americans have valued...
In our journey on this Earth we have four basic Rites of Passage: birth, childhood, adulthood, and passing to the Spirit World. It is that last rite that I wish to honor today and to say “Goodbye” to a man that I first came to know as a customer when I...
This story appears to have been featured in the Hungarian movie "Four Souls of Coyote"