We do not find much in the way of explaining garden totems when looking at possible messages and medicines derived from plants that we would grow in a garden. That seems odd because there are several plants of nature that carry symbolism and have specific lessons to...
If you have landed on this page after having done a search, you might be feeling a connection with the duck totem. As I write this post today the mating season and raising of young is in full swing for the birds and fowl of my area of the planet. I have been observing...
We are going to look at the totem of wolf today but in a more specific manner than I normally do. Last week, one of my readers stated that she wished that she could find out what her birth totem was. So, today we are going to look at the animal spirit that has been...
Today marks 61 years since I came into this life journey. Being born on April 22nd gives me the birth totem of the beaver. In the animal world beaver is the builder and the doer of things. Being strong in both water and earth energy there is a strong sense of family...
I haven’t done this in a while but today we are going to have a little history lesson. Many times in life some of our best medicine comes from those who have come before us. Sarah Winnemucca is not a name that comes to mind when people are asked about a notable...
This story appears to have been featured in the Hungarian movie "Four Souls of Coyote"