When Prairie Dog comes to us as a Native American totem we learn the main medicine of “Retreat”. This rest message may be telling us that our body is running low on fuel and it is time to stop and fill our energy tank back up. When we get so busy that we put our basic needs at the bottom of our list of things to do or even worse we don’t have it on the list at all, Prairie Dog may come as the messenger telling us that we are near exhaustion and can not possibly tackle any tasks without stopping for a much deserved retreat.

Prairie Dog Mother And Baby by lolanimals
When our messenger totem comes in the form of Prairie Dog we learn that taking time to quiet our mind gives us strength and inspiration to replenish our life force or energy. Most times that is best done in silence and inactivity. We can then access dreams or visions because we are not bothered by the chaos of the world and the noise that surrounds it. Once we have taken our retreat we can enter back into our activities with a calmness that allows progress.
Just as the Prairie Dog will run to a tunnel when they sense a predator around, we must sometimes run to our tunnel of quiet to regain our energy and our potential. A Prairie Dog hibernates in winter to conserve energy and we must take a hibernating day from time to time, also.
We will find that having our own peace and a rested outlook will allow us to recognize blessings that are being offered. Without this rested calmness, we can actually create a resistance that will not allow us to move forward. We have to learn from Prairie Dog to stop pushing ourselves too hard, to retreat to our tunnel once in a while for much needed rejuvenation.
~Mitakuye Oyasin~ We are all related
A long time ago I had a terrible drug addiction that led to me being homeless and sometimes stealing to get my next fix. I was eventually arrested and spent 18 months in jail and prison. Two nights before I was arrested, I was sleeping in a field and when I awoke the next morning I was surrounded by prairie dogs, sitting up and calling to each other over my lifeless body. I felt a sense of peace, as if they had watched over me while I slept. After I was arrested, there were prairie dogs outside the tiny window of my cell, and I would watch them for hours, feeling somehow comforted. Now I think that prison was the “retreat” I needed to dry out and get my head back on straight. I’ve been drug-free ever since my release … in 2001.
Wow, that is a really inspiring story. I hope you are doing well and congratulations!
Hi! Bev, I didn’t receive an e-mail for a long time… now that I did… I look around and congratulation for having a new blog on you own domain.
The blog looks great, and you are doing a good job as usual.
All the best