Celebrating The Native American Powwow
Powwow Deluxe 2018 Wall Calendar
from: Calendars.com
The Native American Plains Tribes have gathered together since the 1800s to celebrate their rich heritage in a ceremony called the Powwow. This tradition has continued into to today’s culture with an emphasis on the spiritual and also competitive dancing. Brilliantly colorful photographs from Chris Roberts decorate this calendar for 2017. The photos share the tradition and captures the energy of the dancers who proudly preserve their ancestral traditions.
- Format: Standard Wall
- Size Closed: 13 3/4 inches by 10 3/4 inches
- Size Opened: 27 1/2 inches by 10 3/4 inches
- Grid Size: Medium Rectangle
- Binding: Stapled
- Time Span: 12 month +4
- Publisher: Tide-Mark
The word pow-wow or powwow is derived from a Narrangansett word meaning “spiritual leader”. The modern powwows include both Native and non-Native peoples who come together to socialize, sing, and dance. Mostly it is a time to honor the cultures of the Native American Peoples and their rich history on the North American continent.
Customers can pre-order the Powwow 2018 Calendar now with shipment expected to begin around May 31, 2017.
You are spot on! Thank you so much & have a fun day!
Dear Beverly, I had a dream last night where a male mallard duck was in a room with me. He flew to the door. I turned to tell my sister then turned back to the door and a female was there, flapping her wings. The message was back off! Then we (ducks & me) were in a different room and the male was beating up on her and broke her tail. Weird since I have never been in a violent relation and never been abused. Could you enlighten me? Thank you! – Karen
Sounds like brother and sister duck were really trying to get your attention. Ducks come to us when we need some lessons about acknowledging our own emotional needs, my instincts say that someone is making you feel bad about yourself…beating up on you a bit with words. Read this about the duck totem, perhaps it will shed some light. http://native-american-totems.com/animal-totem-medicines/duck-totem/