by Beverly Two Feathers | Tribal History and Lore |
This is an Ojibwa story of Coyote. In many Native American traditions Coyote is known as a trickster. He usually makes us look at ourselves and our shortcomings and gives us a lesson in his tricks. This story was passed on by Blue Panther Keeper of Stories. Coyote was... by Beverly Two Feathers | Four Winds |
The power of Shawnodese (Coyote) is trust and growth. Summer is the season of Shawnodese. It is a time of rapid growth, maturing, and testing. The animal totem of Shawnodese is Coyote with the medicine of Trickster. Some believe that the South Winds animal totem is...
I needed Bob cats message as he stared deeply into my soul. Our eyes locked in place. The feeling of…