I would like to talk to you today about the Cradleboard and the message and teachings it gives you in your Native American Totems while walking on the Sacred Path.

The Cradleboard of your Sacred Path is telling you that the papoose you are carrying is your future. In order to influence it you must act now. No matter your situation, your are being asked to use your ability to respond now.  You will get your courage from the Warrior side of your nature.  It is time for you to use your own creativity, to speak your own truths, and respond.  It does not matter whether this is a past, present, or future challenge as it is your responsibility to find your own answers and to act upon them.  Let me explain.

The Cradleboard was the carrier for infants used by just about every Tribal Tradition in Native America.  The frame was made of wood to support the body of the baby.  Sage leaves were used to cushion the infant with rabbit fur secured over the top of the leaves for added comfort.  Deer hide was generally used for the outside of the cradleboard to help secure the baby and for easier access.  Many had a bonnet type feature at the top to further protect the baby and to keep the sun and rain out of babies eyes.

In the Native way of thinking the understanding of responsibility is the ability to respond.  The Cradleboard symbolizes all of the needed characteristics for responding to life’s needs.  It keeps you secure, it keeps you warm, it keeps you dry and allows for easy transport.

It is our purpose and our duty to grow, to understand, and to live in harmony.  We are to take responsibility for the Past, Present, and Future. We must have the ability to respond to the Past to honor the Traditions of our Ancestors and to pass the Knowing Systems to our children.

The ability to respond to the Present calls for us to seek beauty in each of our days. We are asked to use our gifts and talents for the greatest good of all around us.

To have the ability to respond to the Future we must understand the Present.  The survival and the well-being of the next seven generations depends on the thoughts and actions that we take now.  The Cradleboard is the symbol that reminds us of our ability to respond to all 3 fates.

Remember the Cradleboard of your Sacred Path as you work with your Native American Totems and respond.

~Mitakuye Oyasin~ We are all related.

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