by Beverly Two Feathers | Tribal History and Lore |
A few posts back I told you of the Birch Tree and how it belongs in the Native American Totems. Today, I would like to tell you the story of Birch Tree and how it came to have the marks on its bark. A long time ago back in the days of our ancestors, Old-Man was... by Beverly Two Feathers | Tribal History and Lore |
When learning the medicine of Native American Totems it sometimes helps to relate a story about the animal, plant, or mineral that the lesson is coming from. The First People of Turtle Island (North America) have left us with wonderful stories that help us understand... by Beverly Two Feathers | Tribal History and Lore |
This is an Ojibwa story of Coyote. In many Native American traditions Coyote is known as a trickster. He usually makes us look at ourselves and our shortcomings and gives us a lesson in his tricks. This story was passed on by Blue Panther Keeper of Stories. Coyote was... by Beverly Two Feathers | Tribal History and Lore |
I wanted to share with you, today, a story that I came across in my journey. It is a remarkable story of a Father’s love for his child and his people. This story is about Biauswah, sometimes written as Bayaaswaa, who was an Anishinabe Chief in the...
I needed Bob cats message as he stared deeply into my soul. Our eyes locked in place. The feeling of…