Perhaps you had never considered that a visit from a woodpecker might be a message from an animal spirit wishing to guide you into some wisdom. Then again, if you have landed on this page you must have had some sort of inkling because you searched to see what the...
I thought perhaps this would be a good time to talk about the Ram totem since we are about to enter into the Year of the Ram according to Chinese tradition. 2015 will be the year of the Ram, sheep or goat depending on which interpretation you want to use. We are also...
Careful, You Are About To Be Tricked Into Some Knowledge Are you feeling like Coyote is trying to tell you something? Well, he probably is but it may not be in a way that you will appreciate as his message will come in the form of a trick. He is the ultimate in pranks...
Native Americans Used Aloe As far as I can tell from my research the Native Americans in Florida and the southwestern parts of what would become the United States were the first to use Aloe on this continent. As it became known almost as a “first aide kit”...
Discover Your Birth Animal Totem Most people know the sign of the Zodiac that they were born under. That is your Sun sign. Do you know the animal totem or birth totem associated with your birth or your Moon Sign? There are a set of native totem animals for each of the...
This story appears to have been featured in the Hungarian movie "Four Souls of Coyote"