I personally love the Sacred Path medicine of The Burden Basket. The message is to pull from your own inner-strength and to become self-reliant. By trusting in yourself to find your own answers and letting go of your burdens, you can conquer the world. Our problems...
There is a Sacred Path that we humans or two-leggeds can choose to walk in our lifetime here on Mother Earth. We can learn lessons or get medicine from what some might deem unusual. Native American beliefs may seem strange to many or at least a new way to look at...
Illusion is the lesson of Dragonfly The colors in Dragonfly’s wings remind us of colors not found in our everyday life experience. The shifting of color, energy, form, and movement of dragonfly explodes into the mind of the observer. It brings vague memories of...
We have discussed the Animal Totems of one’s birth and the Elemental Clans that we each belong; determined by the Moon we were born under. The last few posts were about the Spirit Keepers of the Four Winds. It is time to start discussing specific animals and...
Mudjekeewis (Grizzly Bear) is the Spirit Keeper of the West and is also Chief Council of all Spirit Keepers and Animal Totems. His power is strength and introspection due to the West being the season of Autumn. West wind represents a time of strength gained from...
Here in Switzerland, as this particular region is higher up, I see them basically every day circling overhead quite close…