Some might find it odd that Whale would be a Native American Totem to learn from. It really isn’t all that unusual as many tribes lived on the coast lines of North America but even the tribes who lived inland know of Whale. Whale is the record keeper and is very...
Last week, I talked of the Sacred Path lesson of Smoke Signals and the message of Intent. Today, I would like to share a little history with you about Smoke Signals and the first revolution in what would become the United States. Remember that Smoke Signals are an...
We receive the message of Intent when Smoke Signals enter our Sacred Path lessons. The Red Race has understood and used unspoken languages for many centuries. The People are taught to read the signs in the faces of the Cloud People; the changes in the weather,; the...
I can find no specific tribe associated with this Native American version of The Twelve Days Of Christmas. I did read one account that it possibly could have been written by a Missionary for the Huron as a way for them to remember his Christian teachings in a way they...
The medicine that comes from the Native American animal totem of weasel is that of stealth. It has an incredible amount of energy and ingenuity. Some who have this totem find it a difficult totem to have. There is some significance that ermine or weasel is a pelt...
This story appears to have been featured in the Hungarian movie "Four Souls of Coyote"