We have been blessed of late to be visited nightly by a beautiful red fox. Is it possible that these visits are because the fox is acting as an animal totem and bringing us a message or life lesson?
Often times when an animal that you don’t normally see crosses your path it is a message coming to you from your Spirit Guide telling you to pay attention. Learn about the characteristics of this animal and the symbols that it may hold and you will be clearer on the lesson you are being introduced to.
The First People, Native Americans, have always understood that the animal life around us teaches us many things we need to know about living here on Earth. Follow me as I explain what lessons I believe that the visits from this red fox may be telling my husband and me.
American Indians Believe
Many of the First People, Native Americans, believe that we humans have several animal totems that walk with us on our journey here on Earth. We have the animal of our birth sign that stays with us always.
Specific animal spirits and their medicine teach us the lessons of the four directions; north, south, east, and west. There are also animal totems to guide us in lessons of our above, below, and within. We have animals associated with the clan of people that we were born into and we also have some animals that just come to us as a messenger for a short time.
My husband and I believe that the fox that has been visiting us nightly for the last month or so is a Messenger Animal Spirit. Neither of us have the fox as our birth totem or directional totem. So, he is here to give us a message. We have to see if we can listen quietly enough to hear what he has to say.
The Fox Totem Teaches Us
When fox comes to you to share its spiritual medicine, it is giving you a sign that you should observe the acts of others instead of the words they use. Use the cunning nature of the fox to keep silent about who, what, and why you are observing. Learn the art of camouflage. Personally I think this message is specific to my husband and a situation that he is in.
A Fox Figurine
Having a figurine of your animal totem will sometimes help you to focus when looking for the lesson. Brother fox may not always come to us in the real time so having a little statue of him will help you meditate on his message.
Fox Has Strong Medicine
Sometimes when a person has really strong medicine coming from the Fox they will almost feel invisible. They seem to go unnoticed by others. People with strong fox medicine have even said that people actually walk right into them because they didn’t even see them standing there. This can work to a person’s advantage if they are studying the drama developing around them.Fox Makes Us More Aware
Fox as an animal totem may give you confidence in the ability to know what will happen next. Once you become used to observing life around you, there is a certain predictability in situations and allows you to quickly make your move. Fox medicine teaches the art of Oneness through the understanding of camouflage. Fox may be asking you to see all types of uses for Oneness.
2 times a wild fox has come right up to me… I know this is my Animal Spirit
I came by to learn a bit about why fox might be visiting my home. We are seeing fox in the morning 🌄 and was able to get pictures today.
Thank you for sharing what you know about fox with me. I will be setting with this to see what fox wants to teach more specifically.
The teaching of fox medicine runs deep. I have been working on a fox mosaic for 9 months and just finished it. Observations instead of words strengthen my awareness of the true intentions of those around me. It has been a pleasant journey for me.
I found this while looking to learn what Brother Fox had to tell me. I saw him crossing the road onto my job at sunset and then on my way home, in the unlikely area of downtown, shortly after sunrise.
I believe fox has come into my life to help me be invisible from my abusive husband. I left now almost 1 yr ago. Still not divorced but soon. My dog brought home a fox skull. I thought it was some rodent like gopher. Got a better look and thru internet figured it out! Why has this shown up?
Hello and thank you! I have a dangerous neighbor that follows white supremacy. He likes the Nazis. A fox has been coming into our field at night and yelping which has never happened. I live on the coast in CA. I’ve also seen the word Fox on cars licence plates. I have to drive past his place to exit my rural home.
He also mirrors me as in the narcissistic way of mirroring when I spoke with him. A very scary person. So I hide in the day and only leave with my husband in the evening. I think something bad is going to happen. But I believe we will be fine because we are smart like a Fox.
Thank you for sharing your insights about Fox.
Hello, Beverly: I was visited by this 🦊 in my yard two days ago. I live two blocks from the city. My house is close to woods, the little Conestoga River, as well. I’ve seen one at night close to home while driving, and a dead one by the river many years ago, but never one this close, especially my back yard. It’s interesting, because as of late, as a retired 62 yr old woman, I’ve felt invisible as I go out and about in society. I’m an introvert, but was a teacher for 27 yrs, so I do interact w people. This invisible feeling has gotten stronger recently and this week I was pondering this notion and its meaning. The totem reading really confirmed this. I’ve always paid attention to the animals that have honored me w their presence. I see red-tailed hawks often, ospreys, and sometimes bald eagles. I’ve always thought the hawk is one of my totems. Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thank you-
*lo* and behold
I live in Scotland
Never heard of animal totems
Before but found this all very interesting
What can I read to learn more please ?
Thank you
Beth, I loved the book Animal Speak by Ted Andrews.
Thank you for this informative article. I was visited by a red fox a few days ago. I was standing by our lovely picture window, in the early morning. From the forest came the fox…he came right up to the window…circled around and then slowly drifted back to the forest. I am having a very challenging time with a housemate who is verbally abusive and angry. I am having to evict her, and it is a tough time. This message was spot on for me…thank you fox and thank you Beverly!
What a loavely reminder about fox medicine. Some friends and I were just wondering, the other day, why we hadn’t seen the foxes that den up locally, for some time now. The first time I visited, one ran right through the property (in the direction of their den) early one morning.
Earlier this afternoon I was meditating, and having a realization of how I have kept myself and my business a bit invisible. I was simply observing that and looked out the window. One of the foxes, the female I think, by her markings, ran straight through the property in the opposite direction from the earlier sighting.
How lovely to see her, if indeed it was the ‘she’, and how cannily appropriate! While Fox is not a totem of mine, at least on a regular basis, I have received joy in meeting these.
So nice to meet you here Beverly!! Thank you for your wisdom!
My brother just passed away recently and I’m wondering if the beautiful red fox with the lovely black socks that strolled through my backyard on Saturday might have been the spirit of my brother?
It can be your brother yes coming to tell you something in your life will happen and for you to do and listen to the Fox intenseins for you to adjust as need and he can come to you again in different form for the rest of your life here on earth.so be aware and if you have this feeling it’s your brother then follow your heart and listen to nature it talks to everyone just don’t be foolish and be.like most.and don’t listen to what nature tells us.god bless and be happy for your brother.he is watching over you.once eyes and ears open without talking it’s amazing when you let it work.
I have always loved the little fox. They are such lovely creatures! I remember well the first time I read the story of your fox visitor and thought how truly awesome it was that you were seeing him on a regular basis.
I am fascinated by the American Indian beliefs. While I may not be well versed in the medicine of each animal, I certainly believe they are blessings not to be missed or taken lightly.
Oh dear Cynthia thank you so much for stopping by today! You are such a dear person!
I really enjoy this article. I’ve learned some about animal totems. I’ve looked up several in fact. However, it occurs to me that I didn’t now what a fox symbolizes. Now, that I know I clearly believe the red fox that was content to lay in our driveway for a couple mornings in a row was there to bring a message, especially since I look at the group of people who were part of my daily life then (job). -and foxes are one of my favorites!
Thank you so much for stopping by to read about the fox totem, Melanie. If he came on a regular basis, he was there with a message that is for sure.
I was so delighted to see a fox just plop herself down in the middle of the driveway! They are always so shy. She ended up giving birth under the garden shed. She raised her pups there. It was so great. I visited them from afar every day. Once, during the day while they were sleeping, I quietly went over and placed some goodies at the opening. There was this one pup who was extra curious and came out more than the others (there’s always one! haha). When they woke and came out, he found the goodies first. It was so cute to see him chomping away.
fox has been visiting me lately in symbols not the actual animal in nature but in pictures reference and words. I too am trying to hearthe lesson being spoken. I am on guard as far as shifty people go — observing actions and observing while trying to remain hidden
Just back to reread this post as foxes continue to make themselves visible to us. I now believe that the foxes my daughter saw a few weeks back were telling her to be careful of certain people. Since that time, we have been shocked by the devious and dishonest actions of two people. When we first found out what they had done to another friend, we initially stayed silent but then moved very quickly to distance ourselves from them because I had an intuition that they may turn on us because of what we knew.
In the past week foxes have come to me in my dreams and for the last two nights, when driving home through country lanes just before dusk we have been blessed to see two foxes, one in the distance and one running ahead of our car until it veered off into a field.
It seems to me that these foxes are either telling us to continue to be wary of the drama that continues to develop (but which we are no longer a part of) or possibly re-affirming that my intuition about our situation was spot on.
Just two days ago my daughter was turning a horse out for the night into a field and she saw not one, but two foxes – it was just past sunset.
Now all we have to do is figure out the messages those so beautiful creatures were sending us. Observing the acts of people rather than the words they use , as you say here, is very helpful to us as we try to work out the exact message those foxes were sending us.