If the bobcat totem has arrived in your life it has come to teach you that there is true power and strength in silence. There will be people who will immediately understand that statement because bobcat has touched their inner being at some point in their lives. There will also be people who will not “get it” at all. It is perfectly OK if you don’t understand about the silence, all that means is that bobcat is not working with you. It may not be a lesson you are ready to learn just yet.
The messages that we receive in silence has been something that I have understood all of my life, even as a child. I would literally seek out quiet places to be. Many years ago, I had a conversation with my ex-husband. He was deceiving me at the time and my “whiskers” sensed the deception. I was sitting at our kitchen table, contemplating my next move in this situation when he walked in on me. He asked me what I was doing and I responded, “Just listening to the silence.” He looked at me with such a look of contempt and gave a dismissive gesture with his hands. As if to say, you can’t HEAR silence!
What he didn’t realize that through bobcat, my eyes could see what he was trying to hide. My whiskers were picking up images of what he was doing and my ears could hear what was not being said. Bobcat had shown me his secret!
Close-Up of a bobcat
from Allposters.com
In that situation and in many others when the bobcat totem was walking with me on my journey, I learned to see the hidden agendas of those around me and to hear what was not being spoken. Not everything was what it appeared to be. I learned to trust my own senses; that if it didn’t “feel” right it probably wasn’t. I learned to trust that instinct even when there was not a logical explanation for the feeling.
Bobcat comes to me from time to time when I am in situations where there are many hidden secrets. He may come to you, too. Just learn to trust that your instincts are trustworthy. He is telling you to stay silent and observe.

Bobcat Poster by lolanimals on Zazzle
If you feel that bobcat has entered your life to be a spirit guide ask yourself:
- Am I being too solitary? (Bobcats are a solitary animal)
- Are there new learning opportunities I should be looking at
- Am I dismissing my inner senses too easily
- Am I allowing outsiders to sway me too much
Bobcat will come to you when it sees that you need to listen to that silence and the secrets that are hidden there.
I needed Bob cats message as he stared deeply into my soul. Our eyes locked in place. The feeling of inner peace and calm overcame me. He told me, it’s going to be okay. I’ve never had this experience with an animal before. Truly magical.
On my way home from work, there is a bridge that I feel drawn towards. Upon finding it, I discovered a few things that piqued my interest in the most hair-raising of ways: a burn pile with children’s clothing, some self-portraits that seemed to portray someone who felt, let’s say, divided or over-occupied, a trail leading deeper into the thick forest, a deer leg, other strange happenings, and curiously placed pillows. Oh, and I should mention that it is the most recent of places Hawk has brought me to.
About a month ago, I decided that I wanted to find the body and head of the deer leg, so I followed the tracks. I saw that there were two or three dogs or canines chasing, I believe, a single deer. Strangely enough, from where I park, the deer body was probably 20 ft behind where I park in the brush. I searched on word for the head and ahead, I found it was a canine skull with sulfur lining the bottom. There was a jaw bone of a dear inches away, but I never found the head. This unnerved me.
I returned only two weeks ago to bury two owls, a female and a male that were maybe two miles apart that died within a day or two of each other. I went deeper into the forest so they would not be disturbed. I had my dog with me when I was about to start digging. Something called his attention, he darted off in chase. I called him back, but he’s a husky German Shepherd pup, so there’s no catching him only patience.
But five minutes went by, I had not started digging, so I could listen and I heard what I thought was a dog making only what I can describe as a Yelp call. At first, I thought it was my dog and a hog or maybe other dogs, but there’s only in hindsight. As soon as I heard it, I dashed off into the thick after him, calling for him to come, but it would call and then silence, and then it would call from further away or end in another direction. I may be when a quarter-mile, half-mile into it when I realize that it wasn’t my dog. It did not even sound like a dog.
I turned around and started to walk back and it called from in front of me going back towards my vehicle, trying to draw me away in another direction. At this point, I knew what it wasn’t so I made my way back to where my business was. As soon as I walked up to where my shovel lay, my dog comes running back from the direction where the car was. That wasn’t my dog. I bury the owls and make my way out.
Three days ago, I get a feeling just to go pop my head in. The winter has bared much of the foliage. I parked and got out, and when I looked back, I saw a pelt. I couldn’t make out what it was at first. I thought it was a baby deer. I walked over to it and to my surprise, it was a bobcat in plain open sight, dead, and it had almost completely decomposed. So, that is a canine superior and feline superior and I had laid to rest two raptors, hawks of the night.
There is more that led up to this point that bothers me, but I, I know I know what it means, but I guess I just have to wait till comes to be, things happen the way they do. There’s really no change in it. I would like any tidbits or native tales of bobcat and coyote. I hear that something to do with duality this interests me, such as Crow and Hawk.
I was at my place of business (work) around 1 pm talking to my sister about the future uncertainties. All of the sudden appears a bobcat. It passed the one entrance glass door . I came closer then the cat turned around and stood still .looked at me deeply. I told my sister then looked down at my phone wanting to take a picture, then it disappeared. I can’t get this experience out of my head. I rushed to look up the meaning. Wow! I totally feel the message. I do occasionally practice the medicine cards. I have been reassured to trust my inner intuitions.
Thank you for your words of wisdom. Yesterday I saw a small Bobcat jump from the creek up into the backyard of a property that I’m staying at.
Somebody gifted me some time here to really reflect on some personal challenges. I’m having into nice and peaceful environment. So the Bobcat is perfect for what I’m going through. I needed time to reflect.
I just encountered a black bobcat while walking my dog in the woods. From afar I thought it was a baby black bear, but as we got closer we startled it and it leaped sideways and up the embankment. Definitely feline, too small for cougar and way too big for a house cat.
Was listening to the silence, too, on this walk, and thinking about the place where I have worked for a year, and even though people are nice, and I like the place in many ways, something just feels wrong. Every time I pick myself up, I fall down in a black hole there. Thanks for your story and thoughts. I need to keep listening in silence and be patient.
Good day.
I am a Western Colorado native. Stuck living and working in the cities, but spending as much time in nature as possible. I have many times come to this site to research and gain insight into the Spirit Animals entering my life, guiding me.
Thank you for the wisdom you share here.
Recently my Spirit Guides have been coming to me in the form of the young.
I have been visited in real time by a Bobcat cub, a Mountain Lion Cub, and last night in my dreams I was playing and wrestling with a very young Black Bear cub.
Can you give me any insight into the meaning of the young Spirit Guides?
Thank you.
I grew up in Western CO! I lived in Loma and went to school at Fruita. Perhaps I could offer some insight? Even though you are taking more time in nature are you allowing yourself to have fun? To climb, to dance, to jump, to laugh, to explore and just simply ‘be’ without the stressor of a timeline? The young have no sense of urgency, no deadlines to meet. I have had to take a step back and apply this to my own life for it has been too easy for me to fall into a routine rules by time and it has made me irritable and depressed. I am still working on it but I try to stay conscious of my workload and make sure to take time for myself to have fun. I hope this helps, fellow Coloradan. Stay true.