Desert Thunder printThere is a Sacred Path that we humans or two-leggeds can choose to walk in our lifetime here on Mother Earth.  We can learn lessons or get medicine from what some might deem unusual.  Native American beliefs may seem strange to many or at least a new way to look at life around us.

As we begin this new year and new decade,  my blog posts will dance to a drum rhythm of sorts.  I plan to post about an Animal Totem on Mondays,  Sacred Path medicine on Wednesdays, and a plant or mineral totem on Fridays.

We will learn from the Pipe,  Sweat Lodge, Vision Quest,  Peyote Ceremony, and Standing People (Trees).   I will tell you about the Sun Dance, Medicine Wheel,  East Shield,  South Shield,  West Shield,  and North Shield.  Arrow, Coral,  Kokopelli, Talking Stick,  Power Place,  and Moon Lodge will give us lessons.  Whirling Rainbow, Painted Face, Counting Coup, Rites of Passage, Heyokah,  Smoke Signals,  and Council Fire all have a lesson we can learn from.  We will cover the Pow-Wow, Warbonnet, Cradleboard, Medicine Bundle,  and Storyteller medicine.  Fire Medicine,  Medicine Bowl,  Drum, Dreamtime,  and Burden Basket will help us on our Sacred Path.  There are lessons from  Shawl, Thunder-beings,  Great Mystery, Field of Plenty,  and the Stone People (rocks).  We will find wisdom from the  Great Smoking Mirror,  Shaman’s Death,  Hour of Power, Give-Away Ceremony,  and Sacred Space.

The wonderful graphic used in this post is the CD cover of Dancing With The Thunder Beings by Lightening Bolt.

~Mitakuye Oyasin~ We are all related.

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