White Hawk Flies In For A Visit

In the not too distant past one of my friends was visited by a red-tailed hawk and she asked me to help her with understanding what the visit might mean. Actually, it is more interesting than just a hawk coming into her view. You see, the red-tailed hawk was unique, it was white! That is correct, an albino hawk! Naturally he got her attention. It would get mine, too. I actually got goosebumps as she related the encounter and asked if she would mind if I shared her amazing journey with this unique bird once I had meditated on what it might mean. The image below is not the bird my friend encountered but I wanted you to see what a white hawk might look like. It was found at wikimedia commons.

white hawk

The Hawk, the mouse and the crow

First, let’s look at the event itself. My friend was riding in the car with her husband and a large white bird came into her view. At first glance, she thought it was a seagull but since those are not birds in her area she looked closer. Brother Hawk wanted her to see him because he flew next to the car for some distance. First in front of the car and then next to the window where she was sitting. She was the passenger so it would have been on her right side. She was traveling north on a road that eventually connects two states. Brother Hawk flew alongside the car long enough that her husband was also able to see the bird clearly, even though he was driving. She said she thought of me and wanted to ask me what a white hawk meant.

What you don’t know from this story, so far, is that my friend identifies strongly with Sister Mouse. In fact for the longest time, I did not know her real name; I only knew her as Sylvestermouse (Miss Mouse for short). She said that as the hawk was flying next to the car; she joked with her husband that the hawk was hunting her down. (Hawks eat mice, you know.) Oh, I believe he was hunting her that day but not as prey; as the recipient of a message. You should also know that her birth totem is the Raven/Crow. I feel that she is stronger in crow medicine than raven and I have felt that about her for a long time.

Clues From The White Hawk encounter

As with any visit from a totem or spirit animal there is always more to it than just the visit by the animal, itself. Whether the spirit animal shows itself in the physical realm (as in Miss Mouse’s visit) or in a dream or vision there are additional clues as to the message or lesson for we humans to hear or learn. The special clues or signs that I see in this visit from the hawk are:

  • Crow birth totem
  • Strong identity with Mouse totem
  • Hawk totem visits as a white bird
  • Traveling north
  • Right side
  • The number 2

OK, so now let’s look at what might give us some clarity in her visit. Her birth totem is the Crow. Crow medicine is strong and spiritual. Crow people are the keepers of the sacred laws. She has a powerful  identity with the Mouse totem. Mouse medicine is one of scrutiny. With her mouse medicine she will be able to use her “whiskers” to scrutinize the situation before her and see exactly what is being presented and take the proper action.

She is visited by a red-tailed hawk which typically means that one is being alerted to watch the signs for a message. Hawk comes to us when something important is about to be revealed to us. It doesn’t surprise me that the hawk would come to her as she was born under a moon that is governed by air. What makes this visit even more special is that the hawk was white. Any white creature is considered sacred because of the rarity of them in nature. By the bird being an albino, I feel that not only is Miss Mouse getting a message but the message is one of a high spiritual nature…a sacred message, if you will. White is the color of purity and truth.

Miss Mouse and the bird were traveling north. This is significant, also! When we are in the land of the north winds we are in a place where we receive wise council. It is the place in the medicine wheel for wisdom and experience and it’s color in the wheel is white! The North is the place where we are reminded to be grateful for every blessing of every day.

The white hawk flew alongside Miss Mouse on her right side. Our right sides are the place in our souls that carry our courage and our warrior spirits. When we receive messages from the right it is from our Father-protector. Sounds pretty sacred to me.

And finally, the number 2. We see the number twice in this encounter. There were two people in the car traveling on a road that connects 2 states. Two is a feminine number. It is the number of balance and beckons us to summon our natural power of judgement to do what is best for our souls. Two is also a number for partnerships, connections, and communication.

In my humble opinion, I believe that Miss Mouse is about to receive (if she hasn’t already) a most powerful message that pertains to her own spirituality. She will gain some sort of knowledge that will help her to grow even stronger in her faith. It will be a most divine message. Brother Hawk has arrived in his sacred color of white to say, “Be alert, watch the signs something very important is about to be revealed.”


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