The fourth moon cycle of the year or the April Moon is looked over by Looks Far Woman. One of the original Thirteen Clan Mothers gives us the sacred totem or medicine of knowing how to See The Truth around us.
Looks Far Woman was given the gifts of being the Seer or Oracle to pass on to the humans when she first came to Earth. She became the Guardian of the Dreamtime and the Keeper of Inner Potential for all of us. Looks Far Woman is the Mother of visions, dreams, and psychic impressions.

>Native Maiden Card by cloudnineart at zazzle
She will help us to understand our feelings and impressions along with our visions, if we ask for her help. In helping us to See The Truth, Looks Far Woman will help us to use our gifts for the good of humanity. We can become healers for others and ourselves if we look to her wisdom. This does not necessarily mean that we can physically heal people but rather a person who can heal with kindness and compassion toward mankind.
The Clan Mother of the April Moon is connected with the full spectrum of pastel colors because we learn to see the truth in all colors in the Medicine of Prophecy. We all have the seeds of prophecy planted inside us, Looks Far Woman will assist us in finding our personal and planetary seeds if she sees that we are searching for them. We learn to observe everything around us and to recall every detail for helpful information for our own progress or the progress of humans in general. She will teach us when to follow a path and when to take a different road.
Looks Far Woman is always ready to work with those who have the eyes to see, the ears to listen, and the heart to understand.
~Mitakuye Oyasin~ We are all related