by Beverly Two Feathers | Tribal History and Lore |
An Autumn Tradition Every year for the last 45 years people have gathered where Fort Ouiatenon used to sit in Indiana to celebrate The Feast Of The Hunters Moon. Each year people re-create a time when Native Americans and the French gathered together in the fall. In... by Beverly Two Feathers | Tribal History and Lore |
One of the great Chiefs of the Shawnee Indians was Cornstalk, pictured at the left. Chief Cornstalk was described as a handsome man with a charismatic personality. He was a great warrior, extremely proficient orator, brilliant organizer, and was admired by both his... by Beverly Two Feathers | Tribal History and Lore |
Over the course of the last year or so I have been reading the Cork O’Connor series of books by William Kent Krueger. The plots of each book involve a crime that has occurred on or near a fictional Ojibwe Reservation in Minnesota. I know, telling you about a... by Beverly Two Feathers | Tribal History and Lore |
I haven’t done this in a while but today we are going to have a little history lesson. Many times in life some of our best medicine comes from those who have come before us. Sarah Winnemucca is not a name that comes to mind when people are asked about a notable... by Beverly Two Feathers | Tribal History and Lore |
We might be able to give some credit to the Adena civilization for at least advancing the use of totems in Native American culture. This civilization is believed to have lived in what is now the United States from about 1000 to 200 BC. At one time it was considered... by Beverly Two Feathers | Tribal History and Lore |
Have you ever wondered what the Native American basket symbols mean when you see them? Sometimes it seems obvious if the symbol is of an animal, although the meaning might be different than you might expect. I just saw a most incredible collection of Native American...
This story appears to have been featured in the Hungarian movie "Four Souls of Coyote"