Native American Spiritual Calendar Ghost Dance 2018 Wall Calendar At a time when Native American nations across America faced destruction, the Ghost Dance religion sprang forth to offer hope. It was in the late 1800s that the spiritual connections with the dance...
Celebrating The Native American Powwow Powwow Deluxe 2018 Wall Calendar from: The Native American Plains Tribes have gathered together since the 1800s to celebrate their rich heritage in a ceremony called the Powwow. This tradition has continued into to...
Southwest Ancestors Calendar In the region of the United States now called the Southwest the Elders who came before us found that if they climbed the heights of a mesa alive with green trees that it would make a good place to live. That was around 550 A.D. These...
Daily Inspiration This is not a calendar in the true sense of the word. It is instead a daily inspiration of priceless ancient knowledge from Native American elders. This wisdom has been passed on from generation to generation for centuries. By reading the messages...
Celebrating Your Turtle Totem Turtles 2018 Wall Calendar As a totem animal turtle is the oldest symbol for planet Earth. Many Native traditions look at this animal spirit as the personification of the goddess energy and the eternal Mother from which we evolve. Turtle...
Desk Calendar With Your Wolf Totem Wolf 2018 Desk Calendar from: If brother wolf comes to you as a birth totem or a messenger totem, you know that he is the pathfinder and returns to the clan to teach and share medicine. There are few creatures on Mother...
Here in Switzerland, as this particular region is higher up, I see them basically every day circling overhead quite close…