If you were born between December 22 and January 19, you were born under the Earth Renewal Moon. It is the first moon of the year on the Native American Medicine Wheel. This moon belongs to Waboose (White Buffalo) who is the Spirit Keeper of the North Wind. Your mineral is Quartz Crystal and your plant is the Birch Tree. Your color is white. Your element is Earth and you belong the the elemental clan of Turtle. Your animal totem is the Snow Goose.
Being born under this moon teaches you to be a clear receiver and transmitter of universal energy as the crystal, a communicator of the ancient knowledge like the birch tree, and respectful of tradition and ritual like the snow goose. You have the potential for great power. The Earth Renewal Moon teaches you to be fluid, yet proper in conduct as well as clear, adaptable, prudent, and wise. People in this position have keen vision, are good ceremonialists, and can take large steps in their personal evolution. Snow Goose people need to guard against becoming blocked, against using their enormous power incorrectly, and against being such perfectionists. Snow Goose people need to remember how to have fun.

If you are a Snow Goose person you are known for your perseverance and determination. You are known to succeed at all costs but not for the approval of others, yet for the approval of yourself.
Learn from Snow Goose about tradition, stability, community, and vision. Birch can be healing and help you open up the powers of the universe. Quartz crystals can help balance your chakras and bring clarity and renewal to you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Your power direction or wind is North with Waboose (White Buffalo) showing you clarity and purification of your mental being.
~Mitakuye-Oyasin~ We are all related
I’m constantly amazed that the Native American Beliefs, the spirituality of the First People, the indigenous people of our continent are referred to as primitive. Considered Paganism and Shamanistic by the masses and dismissed by the multitudes. When the lesson is so clear and basic and the same as all other “organized” religions. One God (The Great Spirit) created us all and wants us to love, respect, and care for all of His creations. As in the Lakota Prayer Mitakuye-Oyasin….We are all related
I am always amazed be what we call primitive beliefs. They are not primitive in the classical connotation of the word. Not by a long shot.
These beliefs probably led to organization among a nomadic people. Helped them move quickly and settle into a needed discipline even quicker.
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