Looking for truth in family lore For as long as I can remember the paternal branch of my family tree has related the story of our American Indian heritage. I have always been told that my Great-Grandfather was from an indigenous culture. The mystery, for myself and my...
Native American Spiritual Calendar Ghost Dance 2018 Wall Calendar At a time when Native American nations across America faced destruction, the Ghost Dance religion sprang forth to offer hope. It was in the late 1800s that the spiritual connections with the dance...
White Hawk Flies In For A Visit In the not too distant past one of my friends was visited by a red-tailed hawk and she asked me to help her with understanding what the visit might mean. Actually, it is more interesting than just a hawk coming into her view. You see,...
Celebrating The Native American Powwow Powwow Deluxe 2018 Wall Calendar from: Calendars.com The Native American Plains Tribes have gathered together since the 1800s to celebrate their rich heritage in a ceremony called the Powwow. This tradition has continued into to...
Southwest Ancestors Calendar In the region of the United States now called the Southwest the Elders who came before us found that if they climbed the heights of a mesa alive with green trees that it would make a good place to live. That was around 550 A.D. These...
Here in Switzerland, as this particular region is higher up, I see them basically every day circling overhead quite close…