I recently had a reader ask about the dove totem and what it might mean so I have meditated on this bird, studied some of my resources and am now ready to share the lessons we may receive from the animal spirit of dove.

Lore And Legend Surround The Dove Totem
I think before we can talk about the totem of the dove we must first look at how other cultures besides the natives of North America saw this bird. Just about all, if not all, have the dove centered around feminine and motherhood symbols. According to the Greek traditions, a dove brooded the egg that Aphrodite came from. Alexander sought out council from the Oracles of Dodona, which was founded by a dove. The Slavs believe that our souls become doves when we die. Christians embrace the dove as a symbol of peace and we could go on.
The Pueblo Indians honored the dove and often wore it’s feathers or used them in prayer sticks. When searching for water, they would listen for the mournful song of the dove knowing that it was an indication that water was near. Water is also considered a maternal connection. The song of the dove signified that watering holes or springs were close as the dove must return at dusk to drink.
When you yourself hear the song of the dove, aren’t your emotions stirred in some way? Our emotions are our internal waters and respond to the call of this lonesome sounding bird.
The Mourning Dove: Hear its Song
Being a ground feeder, the dove reminds us to keep in contact with Mother Earth. We should always be mindful of the creative possibilities from the feminine energies that come from the earth.
One might compare the voice of the dove to a rain song. It invokes new waters of life from its mournful cry. No matter what might be going on in our lives, the dove reminds us that new waters can still flow and new life is still possible.
The Between Times (dusk and dawn) are the best times to reflect on the song of the dove as it relates to you. It is at dawn and dusk that there is a thinning of the veils between the physical and the spiritual, the past and the future.
The dove totem reminds us that it is fine to mourn what has passed but to also awaken to the promise of the future. This bird of prophecy can help you to see what you can give birth to in your own life.
Another name for the mourning dove is the turtle dove. I think that is also a significant connection to feminine energy. Many tribal traditions refer to North America as Turtle Island where life began from the waters.
Don’t believe it’s mourning 💔, I only see them in the morning?
On Christmas morning 2022, three doves sat on my bathroom window sill. First time doves have even communicated with me up close.
This resonates very much, thank you.
I have a dove that stays close by. The last days it’s always sitting on the fence when I look out the window or I go in the yard with my dogs. It always seems to be watching me. I recently heard in a reading someone wants my forgiveness that’s passed over. We came in possession of his ashes a couple weeks ago. I’m trying to get clarity on the situation before I let it go but it’s hard, it’s affected the last 12 years of my life, at the least, 32 years at most. So, I will pray and talk to the bird’s spirit tomorrow when I see him. Maybe I need to let it go so I can get my closure without any closure. Believing what I can’t see and all.
I do believe I can let go and let God.
When I hear the coo of the mourning dove, my immediate emotional response is……
Everything is OK. Every moment is ever fresh and ever new. I am peace, love and Light. I trust the Divine plan.
Isvari (Mary Ann Johnson)
Eleuthera, Bahamas
Yes as I was on my way home today I saw dove sitting on a tree stump they seem to be such peaceful birds,I love those birds.
Dear Beverly,
I recently saw a beautiful, solitary soft-grey dove sitting in the middle of the bird bath outside the house I live in. It was so still, and helped me to be so during a time of grieving and moving on.
Your dove post has helped me to be gently joyous and more hopeful during a time of rapid change in my life. Many thanks.
Kind regards,
Thank you very much for this wonderful lesson in response to my inquiry.
PS: Typos: First paragraph, line 6, under Lore and Legend, should be
“souls” (not soles)
First paragraph, line 1, under “Mourning Dove Plate”
should be “waters” (not aters)
Thanks again for sharing your insight.