This site was first created as a blog by Bev Owens. Sadly, this site was later abandoned by the original author, due to circumstances unknown.
Since the blog contained so many valuable posts and insights we decided to keep it alive and connected, so that this knowledge and wisdom will not simply fade away.
The following section was Bev’s introduction to her readers.
Thank you.

Welcome Letter
Hello and welcome to my blog about Native American Totems. As the days and weeks flow by I plan to teach you about the totems that play an important role in the spirituality and beliefs of the Native Americans who are also sometimes called the First People. We will discover the medicine and lessons to be learned by the animal spirits along with the Tall People (trees) and Stone People (rocks).
You will discover the directions in the Medicine Wheel and what lessons these winds give us as we travel on our journey through this lifetime. There is much to be learned from the Medicine wheel and the seasons of each life cycle.
We will talk about different moons of our birth and the animals associated with this form of calendar. According to which moon you were born under you have a special connection with an animal. It is your birth totem and stays with you your entire lifetime.
All people have special temporary totems that come to us for short or long periods of time to give us special direction or medicine to use for specific times.
We will also learn about Grandmother Moon, Grandfather Sky, Father Sun and Mother Earth. These are all spirits that have special meaning to Native Americans and the people who embrace their beliefs.
I would like to point out that I am not a Shaman or Medicine Woman. I am rather a student of the spirituality of the First Peoples and will share with you as I learn. I’ll share my heritage with you in a future post. I hope you will find my blog about Native American Totems enlightening, thought provoking, and most of all fun.
~Migwetch~ Ojibway for Thank you.
About the Author
Hello, I’m Beverly Owens, my friends and family have called me Bev for most of my life. During a pilgrimage to a sacred site, I received my spiritual name of Two Feathers several years ago. One of my favorite topics to write about is the history and spirituality of the Native Americans of both the past and the present.
I am a wife, mother and grandmother who treasures family very much. My hobbies include reading and crochet. I also write fiction novels. Recently, I published my first book in a series that includes a character that many of the readers of this blog might enjoy. Kitchi is a Midewiwin trained many years ago by the Grand Medicine Society. He is a healer and and “seer” offering guidance to many in the community where he lives; most especially to the main character of the book.